Shift happens: Crowdsourcing metrics and test datasets beyond ImageNet, ICML (2022)

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022

In the ShiftHappens Workshop, we aimed to create a community-built benchmark suite for ImageNet models comprised of new datasets for OOD robustness and detection, as well as new tasks for existing OOD datasets.

While the popularity of robustness benchmarks and new test datasets increased over the past years, the performance of computer vision models is still largely evaluated on ImageNet directly, or on simulated or isolated distribution shifts like in ImageNet-C.

Goal: This workshop aimed to enhance and consolidate the landscape of robustness evaluation datasets for computer vision and collect new test sets and metrics for quantifying desirable or problematic properties of computer vision models. Our goal has been to bring the robustness, domain adaptation, and out-of-distribution detection communities together to work on a new broad-scale benchmark that tests diverse aspects of current computer vision models and guides the way towards the next generation of models.