Paper Title Number 5

Published in Journal 1, 2009

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Sautter, Juergen, Staude, I., Decker, M., Rusak, E., Brener, I., Neshev, D. N., & Kivshar, Y. S. (2015). Liquid crystal tuning of all-dielectric metasurfaces. CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTu1C-2. Optica Publishing Group.

Guo, R., Rusak, E., Staude, I., Dominguez, J., Decker, M., Rockstuhl, C., … Kivshar, Y. S. (2016). Multipolar coupling in hybrid metal–dielectric metasurfaces. Acs Photonics, 3(3), 349–353.

Sautter, Jürgen, Staude, I., Decker, M., Rusak, E., Neshev, D. N., Brener, I., & Kivshar, Y. S. (2015). Active Tuning of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces with Liquid Crystals. The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CK_6_3. Optica Publishing Group.

Noginova, N., Mashhadi, S., Noginov, M. A., Chong, K. E., Kivshar, Y. S., Keene, D., … Others. (2017). Probing and Mapping Optical Fields in Si Disk Arrays with Eu3+. CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FF2G-7. Optica Publishing Group.

Staude, I., Guo, R., Rusak, E., Dominguez, J., Decker, M., Rockstuhl, C., … Kivshar, Y. S. (2017). Hybrid metal-dielectric nanostructures for advanced light-field manipulation (Conference Presentation). Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics X, 10115, 40–40. SPIE.

Rusak, E., Guo, R., Staude, I., Decker, M., Sautter, J., Miroshnichenko, A. E., … Kivshar, Y. S. (2015). Metal-Dielectric Nanoantennas for Enhancement of Directional Emission. European Quantum Electronics Conference, EH_5_1. Optica Publishing Group.

Rusak, E., Guo, R., Staude, I., Decker, M., Sautter, J., Miroshnichenko, A., … Kivshar, Y. S. (2015). Hybrid metal-dielectric nanoantennas for directional emission enhancement. CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTu2E-2. Optica Publishing Group.

Chen, H., Yang, J., Rusak, E., Straubel, J., Guo, R., Myint, Y. M., … Others. (2016). Manipulation of photoluminescence of 2D MoSe2 by gold nanoantennas (Conference Presentation). Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Emerging 2D Materials for Electronic and Photonic Devices IX, 9932, 34–34. SPIE.

Rusak, E., Staude, I., Decker, M., Sautter, J., Miroshnichenko, A. E., Powell, D. A., … Kivshar, Y. S. (2014). Hybrid nanoantennas for directional emission enhancement. Applied Physics Letters, 105(22).

Sautter, J., Staude, I., Decker, M., Rusak, E., Neshev, D. N., Brener, I., & Kivshar, Y. S. (n.d.-b). ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4308–4315. DOI.

Yekani, R., Rusak, E., Riaz, A., Felten, A., Breitung, B., Dehm, S., … Krupke, R. (2018). Formation of nanocrystalline graphene on germanium. Nanoscale, 10(25), 12156–12162.

Vaskin, A., Mashhadi, S., Steinert, M., Chong, K. E., Keene, D., Nanz, S., … Others. (2019). Manipulation of magnetic dipole emission from Eu3+ with Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces. Nano Letters, 19(2), 1015–1022.

Rusak, E., Straubel, J., Gladysz, P., Göddel, M., Kedziorski, A., Kühn, M., … Slowik, K. (2019). Tailoring the enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules with a plasmonic nanoantenna. arXiv Preprint arXiv:1905. 08482.

Michaelis, C., Mitzkus, B., Geirhos, R., Rusak, E., Bringmann, O., Ecker, A. S., … Brendel, W. (2019). Benchmarking robustness in object detection: Autonomous driving when winter is coming. arXiv Preprint arXiv:1907. 07484.

Rusak, E., Straubel, J., Gładysz, P., Göddel, M., Kędziorski, A., Kühn, M., … Słowik, K. (2019). Enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules near a plasmonic nanoantenna. Nature Communications, 10(1), 5775.

Sautter, J., Staude, I., Decker, M., Rusak, E., Neshev, D. N., Brener, I., & Kivshar, Y. S. (n.d.-a). ACS Nano 9, 4308 (2015). Article.

Schneider, S., Rusak, E., Eck, L., Bringmann, O., Brendel, W., & Bethge, M. (2020). Improving robustness against common corruptions by covariate shift adaptation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 11539–11551.

Rusak, E., Schott, L., Zimmermann, R. S., Bitterwolf, J., Bringmann, O., Bethge, M., & Brendel, W. (2020). A simple way to make neural networks robust against diverse image corruptions. Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part III 16, 53–69. Springer International Publishing.

Michaelis, C., Mitzkus, B., Geirhos, R., Rusak, E., Bringmann, O., Ecker, A. S., … Brendel, W. (1907). Benchmarking robustness in object detection: Autonomous driving when winter is coming. arXiv 2019. arXiv Preprint arXiv:1907. 07484.

Rusak, E., Schneider, S., Pachitariu, G., Eck, L., Gehler, P., Bringmann, O., … Bethge, M. (2021). If your data distribution shifts, use self-learning. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2104. 12928.

Li, Z., Ortega Caro, J., Rusak, E., Brendel, W., Bethge, M., Anselmi, F., … Pitkow, X. (2023). Robust deep learning object recognition models rely on low frequency information in natural images. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(3), e1010932.

Rusak, E., Straubel, J., Gładysz, P., Göddel, M., Kędziorski, A., Kühn, M., … Słowik, K. (2022). Author Correction: Enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules near a plasmonic nanoantenna. Nature Communications, 13.

Rusak, E., Straubel, J., Gladysz, P., Goeddel, M., Kedziorski, A., Kuehn, M., … Slowik, K. (2022). Enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules near a plasmonic nanoantenna (vol 10, 5775, 2019). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 13(1).

Rusak, E., Schneider, S., Gehler, P. V., Bringmann, O., Brendel, W., & Bethge, M. (2022). ImageNet-D: A new challenging robustness dataset inspired by domain adaptation. ICML 2022 Shift Happens Workshop.

Rusak, E., Reizinger, P., Zimmermann, R. S., Bringmann, O., & Brendel, W. (2022). Content suppresses style: dimensionality collapse in contrastive learning. NeurIPS 2022 Workshop: Self-Supervised Learning-Theory and Practice, 3.

Mayilvahanan, P., Wiedemer, T., Rusak, E., Bethge, M., & Brendel, W. (2023). Does CLIP’s Generalization Performance Mainly Stem from High Train-Test Similarity? arXiv Preprint arXiv:2310. 09562.

Abbas, A., Rusak, E., Tirumala, K., Brendel, W., Chaudhuri, K., & Morcos, A. S. (2024). Effective pruning of web-scale datasets based on complexity of concept clusters. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2401. 04578.

Wolff, M., Rusak, E., & Brendel, W. (2024). Removing High Frequency Information Improves DNN Behavioral Alignment. ICLR 2024 Workshop on Representational Alignment.

Recommended citation: Your Name, You. (2009). "Paper Title Number 1." Journal 1. 1(1).